The mola fund

Splendid Mola is founded on the values of community, art, access, kindness, inclusion, and equity, and it is important that the underlying economic system reflects these values as well. Hence the Mola Fund, the communal pot that supports all the offerings and fellowships.

The way it works is this: Anyone who wants to support this vision can become a patron of Splendid Mola or give a one-time donation to the Mola Fund. This communal pot is used to pay for all the programs, fellowships, and grants, for everyone. But! You do not have to “pay in” to attend programs; they are free to attend for any writer, anywhere, any time. “Joining the movement” simply means signing up for the mailing list.

The main amount for the patronage is $5/month, although more is of course welcome. I set it at $5/month because this is small enough that it might seem do-able for many people, but big enough that it can add up quickly.

And here’s the big, audacious goal: 100,000 writers supporting the Mola Fund at $5/month or more. The grand vision is that there is enough in the Mola Fund to:

• Send writers on fully-paid residencies

• Build and manage all-expense-paid co-living spaces for writers

• Give no-strings-attached grants to writers who are also good, kind people

• And maybe build awesome, creativity-based retirement homes for writers!

Can you imagine all the writers we could help? The books, poems, screenplays, articles, stories, plays, and songs that might be born because all of us supported all of us?

We can change the world with as little as five dollars a month. The power (and love, and community) comes from all of us.


…or, throw a little money in the tip jar:

Venmo: @Lori-Snyder-3


